Sunday, August 16, 2009

Weary Weekend

My mom came for a visit this weekend, thus the heading for this entry. She is undecided about where she wants to live. I get that, and I totally support her living wherever she WANTS to live. I am not sure she gets that. Sometimes I think I am speaking some foreign language to her.

What I don't get is her negativity. It just totally exhausts me. I know I don't have house beautiful. But I do have 4 children and a wife whom I adore. I have kids who play imaginatively for vast periods of time with very low cost props. We have fun together. We make memories together. And all my mother sees is the fact that the room where we package piece work is a mess. Duh? It is filled with something like 68 boxes of combs. If any of you buy Scunci comb packs or Conair comb packs in your local big box store, we may have packed them for you! LOL It isn't neat work, it isn't even high paying work. But it pays enough to help us pay our bills and allow us a very flexible schedule, playing with our kids as we wish. It is a trade off I am willing to take and grateful to have.

So Mom didn't notice that KC breezed through the first 37 pages of the Hooked on Phonics kit we borrowed from the library. (I am thinking I am really glad i didn't invest in buying this!!!) She barely noticed all 3 younger kids spend 30 minutes "fishing" in our driveway with a kiddie pool and 3 pretend fishing poles and a bunch of plastic fish.

She didn't notice the joy my kids showed at her arrival or the spic and span and very welcoming bedroom awaiting her.

She noticed my side yard which she deemed in need of mowing. (we are not mowing because there is poison ivy there and we are hand weeding and planting gardens). And she noticed our work room and deemed it "a shame." A shame????

I had a migraine this afternoon and I think it was all the stress I was holding in. But she has returned home to her state. Breathe in. Breathe out. Smile.


Anonymous said...

I do think we are long-lost sisters because we definitely have the same mom! Sounds exhausting! Love the fishing thing. My kids do stuff like that.

Lee said...

You know, it helps to know someone else has a mom like that! I have always been the dutiful daughter, probably because my mom is an only child and I always felt badly she had no one to lean on, so let it become me. But sheesh!

Todd said...

Glad she left so you can get back to normal. *hugs*