Saturday, January 29, 2011

Saturday doings

Saturdays are fun.  We have so much to do but most days we just have enjoy doing it. Today was no exception. We were out early and got our groceries, then we got the van inspected.  Came home and unloaded said groceries and then went out to the bank and to drop off our library books.  Then KC had dance class. He is super excited as the music for their recital piece was revealed for the first time today. I am glad that he is still positive about all of this.  Then it was time to go to a big box store and get Lissa a booster seat for the car and KC new slippers to replace the ones that are falling apart on his feet, to a craft store to get supplies for the class I teach at church tomorrow and then to the library to get our books. Then it was home for lunch.  This afternoon I made Lissa's dinosaur costume for the church play (this was a very simple costume; don't start thinking I am talented or sewing or anything here!) and I turned our ft door bear into cupid with sparkly gold wings and a valentine in his hand.  Made a double batch of sugar cookies cut into hearts and frosted with leftover frosting and adorned with smaltzy sprinkles.  They look divine! The kids had computer time while I did that and then after supper we all played wii fit for a while.  But all day I have felt a little tired and now I am getting snuffly so I think some zinc may be in my immediate future and then a hot shower!

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