Friday, March 16, 2012

Top o' the Evening to you!

It has been a busy week at our house.  K is under the weather with a very bad cold that morphed virtually instandly into some type of  hideous triple infection. (sinus, throat and ear)  I have thus far been spared and have been taking my immune supplements to try and make sure it stays that way.  However, I have had a 3 day migraine going and I am about done with feeling like my head is going to fall off.  Or wishing that it would. 

Still I have managed to work--though I must look like death by the comments people make.  LOL  And the weekend beckons with a visit from the wee folk tonight.  They seem to like to play tricks at our house and leave a bit of joy behind for the wee folk who live here.  I have only the teeniest smidge of Irish in me but I adore St. Patricks Day.  Tomorrow we will make some kind of shamrocky treat for dessert to have with supper.  And all the kids will get small bags of gold chocolate coins from K and I.  

Rob is off at rehearsal for the church Youth Sunday service.  He has a couple of roles in the service and we had a bit of teen angst this week over things.  His girl friend called and wanted him to do something with her on Friday night.  I said no becuase they were both committed to this rehearsal.  I don't know if  TongYa's parents  did not want to fight about it and told her to call and see if Rob's parents would let him go, or what.  But I am old school about committments.  You make it, you keep it, unless  you are dying or spilling body fluids all over the place.  LOL  Rob took it with pretty good grace, but I heard through the grape vine that his gf was pretty annoyed.  Ah well. 

Then our black kitty Valkyrie escaped outdoors this a.m. and hasn't been seen since.  Val has been a house cat since she came to us last June.  A black cat outdoors at night is not a good thing. Especially when the weather is both foggy and rainy.  I do hope she comes home and is okay.  She is much beloved, and poor K feels horrible because the cat escaped on her.  She hasn't really shown an interest in going out either so it is all a bit odd to say the least.

My mom is coming down for a visit this weekend--and to go to church with us on Youth Service Sunday and hear Rob play the prelude.  The kids are really excited.  The littles and I put together a gingerbread bunny house from a kit tonight.  It will harden up over night and then tomorrow they can decorate it with Nana.  Much goo and sugar, it will be fun!

The husband of a friend of mine is in the hospital right now.  He has had what appear to be unexplained seizures for over a year now.  Numerous hospitals and medical tests up the wazoo have yielded nothing but today for the first time a much longer battery of tests revealed some seizure activity.  It sounds weird to feel that this is helpful, but they have been so frustrated and frightened and in the dark for so long.  And it all makes my migraine very petty and pale by comparison!

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