Sunday, April 17, 2022

Suddenly 18

 KC is 18 today!  Obviously this is not 18 pictures, but it is a reasonably good photo glimpse of how somehow that wee tiny baby who honestly only fit in doll clothes, is now this tall handsome young adult!  How this happened I don't know. It feels like not long ago that he was so young, so needing of help.  Our buddy in everything we did. The little guy who needed me to sing him to sleep every night and who put on "shows" after supper for us every single night.

Now he is a thoughtful kind and engaging teen, someone who has found within himself the capacity to lead peers, to teach dance, to work on making a positive impact in the world we live in.  I am so proud of him.  I am also frequently scared for him.

I will be forever grateful to have been chosen to be this young man's mom.  I will always remember leaf piles and puddle jumping, the first terrifying dance recital and the triumphant ones that followed. The hikes and homeschool classes, the silly traditions we have that make up family life. The joy and magic that he has brought to us all. Today we celebrate all that he is in many ways--favorite breakfast rolls made by me, birthday dinner made by big brother Rob, and a viewing of a show at the theater.  Happy Happy Birthday dear son!

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