in some aspects of my life I crave minimalism, I am all about decorating for holidays. And I need decorations in January especially because that is when winter gets real up here. Though we are slowly getting back our daylight, there are lots of cold hard days and nights ahead. So today, I put away the Santas and the reindeer and brought out my snow man collection. 

They are super cute and live on top of my cabinets in the kitchen all through January. My collection has grown so much over the years that they also decorate the dining room as well.

They are whimsical and help my spirit to welcome the snow and inclement weather. My wife says you have the same amount of snow no matter your mind set, so I have endeavored to have a more positive outlook. It is hard for me as being cold is physically uncomfortable, but hey, snowmen are adorable! Latly I hung up my lucite stars. They catch the light of the chandelier beautifully and remind me to look up in the cold dark nights and find those bright pinpricks of light.

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