Today I spent the day cleaning and cooking, readying our house, our lives and my mental mindset for the new year and the return to normal schedules. Well, semi normal. I go back to work tomorrow but dance and scouts do not resume till next week. Still, the lazing around time is done. I have enjoyed it.
I am not good at lazing. It always takes me till almost the end of vacation to actually sleep in, but I did manage that for two days! Today was beautifully warm for our part of the country in January so I took advantage and removed all the exterior decorations. We dismantled the tree and put those things away as well. The attic is organized with the return of the holiday decorations to their corner.
I made red lentils for good luck and had that for supper. I actually love to cook black eyed peas for good luck but nary a black eyed pea could be found in my north east supermarkets! So my next go to is always red lentils.
My wife and I spent time brain storming the logistics of a couple of house things we need to do in 2019. The biggest of these is sanding and urethaning two high traffic floors. I learned how to sand and urethane this summer on our upstairs halls. These floors really need love. The hard part is actually the emptying of the rooms, and creating the plastic barriers to minimize the dust going everywhere. Our dining room has a lot of furniture--a table and chairs for 12, two antique china cabinets and a side board. Our work room has a goodly amount to relocate as well. This can't happen till the spring but it actually was super helpful to work out a time line--how long to empty the large china cabinets for instance and where all that glassware will be temporarily relocated. I am equal parts dreading and looking forward to this project. I know how amazing it will look when it is done, it is just living through the doing.
Though that is true for many things in life, isn't it?
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