Sunday, March 29, 2020

Sunday, week three of Covid

I am here to sit with myself again.  Virtual church will start in about 20 minutes.  I have sterilized all the knobs and switches in our house. I have dusted. I have put away laundry and done dishes from breakfast.  After church I will clean and sterilize the island and counters in the kitchen and deep clean the bathrooms.  In reality a lot of these things are normal tasks that I do routinely in our home.  But in the time of Covid-19 there is a heightened sense of urgency to remain a clean space that no germ would want to hang around in. 

Increasingly I feel the loneliness and isolation of this experience.  I have my family and I am blessed beyond measure in that regard.  But even at work we are isolated, safely having staff meetings by phone trying to not be in the same room with one another.  As a highly people oriented person, I find myself feeling down quite frequently.  Not depths of despair, just lonely.  I am grateful for technology but media does not feel the same as face to face.  Not being able to plan a party for my son's 16th birthday party not meeting friends for coffee or a quick chat outside the market etc.  I never realized how important things like this are to me.  I suppose the upside is that i will never ever take such experiences for granted again.

Meanwhile in far more serious matters, the number of cases in our state continues to rise. I am grateful and blessed that we all remain healthy and that we have been able to meet our financial obligations.  Hoping everyone stays safe!

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