Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Quiet midweek post

It is mid week and I have time for a blog entry!  I have not had evening time like this since the kids were very little.  After dinner tonight Elisabeth, my wife and I took a walk. We are helping Lissa train her dog Luna to walking.  Truthfully, Lu naturally heels, most of the training involves teaching her that the world is safe to walk in.  Which I realize is a bit of an oxymoron right now.

Numbers continue to rise for those who have tested positive for the virus.  Preparations are being made in our state for the "surge" that is expected between 4/7 and 4/17  It is deeply unsettling to read about temporary mortuaries and  convention centers being turned into medical facilities.  However the flip side of that is that preparing ahead is wise, and perhaps, (hopefully) we are over preparing and some of these drastic scary things won't be needed as fully as we fear.

Meanwhile I will focus on family game nights, and dinners with laughter and washing hands.

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