Sunday, May 3, 2020

DIY Time!

The slowing of the world and the confinement of the pandemic have an upside in the areas of home improvement.  I have become a major DIY fiend and spend weekends and often week night evenings working on various projects.  This is good as our house has needed attention and I have not had time to devote to it. I am also dragging my beloved into the DIY land!

Today my wife began her part of finishing the ceiling in our workroom. I spent last weekend scraping loose textured swirls off it.  However not all the texture was loose and we decided it would likely damage the horsehair plaster that was underneath to try and get them to part company from the ceiling. So after the loose was all taken off, she went in and caulked around the edge of the ceiling and swirled the ceiling.  Then, it was time to paint it!

I am also taking down wall paper in our upstairs bathroom hallway. When it is down we will mud the walls and paint them a creamy yellow color. By next weekend we should be ready to start work in Elisabeth's room. That is a paint job , new light and a new floor.  We have also built raised beds for veggies and repurposed an old wheelbarrow into a raised bed for herbs.

I am planning out the repairs and renovations that our front porch needs and am going to assign painting our storage shed to our kids once we get a better weather pattern. There may be mulch to spread if the social distancing drags on and no vacation can be taken. 

It is a good use of time. I am learning new skills. And it is honestly, fun! 

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