Sunday, January 1, 2023

Hello 2023

 Happy New Year!  It was a different New Years Eve this year.  They have changed a lot over the years.  There were the years the kids were too little to stay up (and be human the next day!) so we would pick countries around the world and make special food from that country , and learn facts about them and play trivia games and learn about them.  Then we would have sprinklers in the back yard or glow sticks and say Happy New Year according to the time it was the new year there.

Then the kids got old enough to stay up.  We had snacks and movie nights together and snuggled watching the ball drop.  One year KC timed us watching the Avenger movie so that when the "snap" happened it was midnight.

Now things have changed again, as is the way in life. Rob does not live at home.  KC went to a friends house for New Years Eve and to sleep over.  Elisabeth had two girl friends sleep over here.  Chet always prefers to stay in his room, not liking noise and hoopla so it was my wife and I rattling around the house.  I made tostones and coquito to snack on, but then by 10:30 I was cold so I snuggled in bed and watched the new year in from there on my phone.  What a party animal!! At midnight we were all texting each other watching fireworks on our phones (which I have to admit was extremely cool!)

This morning, kids are still sleeping but my wife is at work and I have been up for hours.  It is uncharicteristically mild here right now so I took a long walk to welcome the New Year and to talk to the goddess.

May 2023 be good to us all!  

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