KC has been working hard on the decor for his room. It has honestly been a couple years now that he was mulling over color palettes and styles. Creating pinterest boards and wish lists on A*mazon. He informed me that his room would have a feel of Broadway with his personality shining through. he was right. He chose a deep gray, nearly black, for the bottom half of the walls. This is actually old panelling. The top 1/2 of the walls he chose an off white with a touch of creamy yellow. Actually maybe only a hint of yellow. It is not a combination I would have chosen because I like really intense colors, but it is really stunning. He has a two windows and an open doorway which have burgundy black out curtains.
So the wall repairs have been done. The ceiling repairs done. The paint applied. And KC has begun to purchase the items that will help make the space most truly his. He chose some floating shelves and this engendered a great deal of conversation. Our upper walls are all lathe and plaster so floating shelves don't have tons of support despite using mollys or toggle bolts. However he was clear that nothing heavy would be on the shelves so we put them up. I did not know exactly what he wanted to display. KC is my guy who has always saved momentos from all manner of things. Here is one shelf;

I asked him about the shelves. He told me a story about them. One is a tiny Wiggles car that was on his birthday cake for his wiggles birthday party. I think he might have been 4 that year. He has one of his Robeez baby shoes, his favorite bath toy from when he was tiny (a frog that squirted water) and his grandfather's compass. In KC's words, it shows his progression from infancy to guiding him into his future. Sheesh. I didn't think about thinkgs like that for my room when I was 15 I assure you!
I don't have a picture yet of his second floating shelf but he devoted that one to his Coming of Age experience and church and his Youth Group experiences. It too looks amazing.
Theater is a big part of his life. He loves musical theater and while he has not starred in any yet, i expect at some point he may explore this. He has many friends in theater and he found this cool and inexpensive grid to hang playbills and favorite pictures:

Then he decided that he wanted pictures of his roles in the dance recitals. He had a character role last year and will have one for the next 3 years so he found inexpensive frames at IKEA and created this:

There is more to come--he has ordered a rug in burgundy with gold accents. He has also gotten a bookshelf that I'll write about some other time when I regale you all with our maiden voyage to the land of IKEA! For now I am just smiling at the fact that my son seems to know himself so well and has such a vision of what needs to be in his space to give him joy.
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