In years past I had all the kids with me but this year marked the first time that it was only Lissa and I going. KC wanted to stay here in town and complete his week of dance camp. Chet opted to stay home, saying sleeping on the ground didn't appeal to him at the moment. Rob had to work. Lissa was still very excited though--so excited she opted to skip dance camp on Wednesday so we could hit the road early in the morning instead of after dance camp was done. (she was only supposed to be at camp through Wednesday, KC went all week)

Unfortunately, this is the only picture I have of the days we spent together. I took a number of great ones but on Thursday of our vacation we went kayaking. First time for both of us. Our friends suggested it and they have kayaked on this particular river before. We set off and most of the way was really delightful. It was a six mile journey with lots of stops for the kids to play, snack snap pics, jump in the river, etc. However as we journeyed on the skies began to darken and I worried that a pop up thunderstorm might be headed our way. I expressed my concern to my friends who were stopping to do more river play. We agreed that Lissa and I would journey on ahead (there were many other kayakers from the same outfit on the river so I knew I could not get lost or something weird like that) I had been paddling for hours and felt relatively confident. The river was low--I had to pull us across shallow areas numerous times. So we agreed to meet up at the take out location and Lissa and I set off. Sure enough shortly after that it began to rain, but thankfully NO thunder. So we were safe, though damp and kind of chilly. Lissa was getting tired and doing far less paddling. But we paddled on and then rounded a corner on the river. A tree was leaning out over the river and I remember telling Lissa to push us away from that with her paddle as we were headed too close to it. I don't know if she did or not but the next thing we knew, the tree had ensnared us and we were being pushed backward by it. The kayak began to fill with water as it tilted and we capsized. Apparently said overhanding tree disguised a rapid little current of water there. It was not over our heads but it did terrify poor Lissa. I held onto her and the kayak and all our belongings went down river. We had life jackets on so we were safe and I was not letting go of her because she was hysterical. Someone who was playing on the banks a short distance from us saw the mishap and came to assist. I passed Lissa across to him so that she had hands on her the whole time. Then I climbed out of the river myself.
Amazingly all our belongings except my beloved NFL hat and our sunscreen were recovered. Lissa was not hurt. I got an epic bruise on my right arm but it has never pained me. We were fine. Shaken but fine. My friends arrived to find us all ready loading up back into our kayak ready to paddle the last wee bit to the take out spot. I felt it was really important for Lissa to see that this could happen and we would not tip over again. Regardless of my efforts though, she is not feeling any kayak love.
My phone was drenched and died despite my immediately plopping it in a box of rice pilaf in my camping kit when we hit dry land. Hence my lovely shots are lost and remain only in my memory. But I remember my tall strong daughter on a giant boulder in the middle of the river. I remember looking down at polished river stones in amazingly clear water, deer prints on the sand bar, and laughter.
The event was also a bit of PSA for life jackets. I made Lissa wear her jacket and I wore mine. My friends did not and Lissa was miffed. I said that sometimes stuff happens and you don't know when it might happen, but that this was a way to make sure we stayed safe. It was indeed a key part in our overall safety when the accident occurred. So yes. Wear the life jacket people. I am a good swimmer. I am still glad we had them on. I also learned a bit too late, that Otter box makes a "dry box" that would have kept my phone safe and dry. I'll have the "phone life jacket" next time too!
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