So my tech skills are still weak. It is my youngest man-ling's 15th birthday today. I can't quite wrap my head around this. That middle pic? Pretend it is the first one in the series. That was probably when he was about 5 months old. He was a preemie and so so tiny. In that picture the newborn clothes were still big on him, but at least we had made it out of the doll clothes section! I remember how utterly petrified we were bringing him home. This young, precious life was entrusted to us and we.were.not.ready. No one ever is. I think you can read 50 billion books, take classes, read blogs, and baby sit your heart out, but it is not the same. KC was not our first child, but he was our first infant and as such there were many firsts with parenting him that we had not experienced with the other kids. Thank the goddess that he was an easy and forgiving baby!
The picture on the far right is of KC after dance recital last year. Ever since he was 2 he has wanted to dance. He would flit around the house waving my wives sparkly fabric bits and create shows in our front hall where he did his version of tap dancing. It took till he was 4 to find a studio that was boy friendly and a non competition studio, but once we did, he has never left it. He has added to his dance classes year by year, increasing in knowledge and ability.
The first picture in the series. That is KC today. A strong 15 year old with goals, dreams and the drive to succeed. He works part time at a local market. He helps teach at the dance school. He volunteers in a classroom at church and helps at the library. He is funny, loves word play, graceful, emotional and we are so very very blessed that he is our son.
I wanted this birthday to be special for him and in true J-E Team fashion it was special in ways we did NOT expect. I had purchased tickets to Tap Dogs. They are a cool dance troupe he wanted to see. They had medical issues and the night before our performance they cancelled. Our tickets were refunded but they are not touring in our area the rest of the year. KC took it with better grace than I did. We've been sitting on these tix for about 2 1/2 months! I was bursting with excitement for him. He reminded me that such things happen with live performances, which is very mature and very true.
Then KC got sick. Very sick. Wound up on an antibiotic and missed a whole week of work and basically had the most low key birthday one could imagine. He even had us cut the birthday pie he had requested without him blowing out the candles because he was coughing so much he was afraid of contaminating the rest of the family.
But for all that there were still presents and laughter, and even a birthday that went so far south from what was planned will be part of the memory montage for a son we love so dearly.