Thursday, April 16, 2020

5 Crowns Night

We had a family game night again on Tuesday night.  It was a lot of fun.  I do love that all the kids are willing to play, even if it is not their favorite game that night.  Tuesday we played 5 Crowns which is a rummey-esque kind of game with a few twists.  When Chet was a middle schooler it was his favorite game. I think next to Magic (which I will not play) it remains his favorite game. 

Playing in the evening is a bit hard for Chet as he is even less socially adept but we have been able to get through about 90 minutes of game time in the evening once a week.  I balance his desire for routine with the fact that life can get so dull in quarentine that changing something up a bit spontaneously has a valid benefit to the majority of family members. 

Though KC really did not love this particular game (I had not realized that he has never played rummy) he is a good sport and so ready with funny quips that it all worked out well.  Elisabeth has played rummy before and caught on quickly.  But it was Rob who won the game.  I am glad that it has also been a different kid that has won each week thus far.  Even more than that, I am grateful that for 90 minutes we all forgot all the scary stuff around us and just concentrated on each other, on love and on laughter.

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