Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Our company does an annual goal setting as part of our employee annual reviews.  I am amazed at how stressed people seem to get about setting some goals.  I am also surprised that some people don't like to set goals.  I am a natural born goal setter I guess!  I have always been a planner and goals are part of making plans.

Our previous company didn't have a formal goal setting the last 10 years or so that we worked for them. Prior to that there were goal settings and reviews.  But even when the formal ones stopped, I had goals I set for myself.    I think I would feel rather adrift if I didn't.

One of my coworkers told me that she didn't like goals because if she didn't achieve them, then she felt would be held against her.  Now I don't know that it wouldn't  be held against one--but I suspect if there were good reasons why a goal was not met, it would not be.  After all, goals are a plan not a guarantee.  I tried to explain that it was something to strive towards, but there seemed to be a collective feeling that it was so much safer not to try.  I found it very sad.

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