My wife's birthday is in early February; KC's is in April. Last week he came in to my work room staring at his phone. "I'm so upset," he said. "I just can't believe it."
I asked what was up and he said that Travis Wall and his dance company Shaping Sound were coming to a city near us for one performance only on January 29th. Travis Wall is an amazing dancer and choreographer. Our whole family is pretty well enarmored of his work and the amazing ways he thinks of helping to tell a story through dance.
I looked on line and knew that there was no way I could buy tickets for all of us. The money tree in the back yard is dead, people! (laughing) It has been a hard winter financially, capping off a hard YEAR financially. Hey 2018 has to be better right? Please goddess? Anyway, I called my wife and suggested that I pay for she and KC to go together as birthday presents to them both. (the other part of KC's gift is a dinner out with 4 friends) She was thrilled and they are both looking forward to this so much.
I am glad that I could gift them both with this. For KC it isn't just about the dance which is his deep and abiding passion, but it is so important for him to see successful male dancers in the styles that he enjoys dancing in. He adores contemporary and jazz and I know he will see a performance that will inspire him. If you are curious, here is a Youtube link to a performance from the show. You know I"ll be youtubing all I can to get a bit of its flavor here at home. Shaping Sound And while dance is not everyone's cup of tea--art in some form is so important for our kids; for all of us. We need ways to express that which is deep within us and sometimes there is no way to release those emotions without dance, or song or another form of art. I hope we all have ways to shape our sounds, and tell our truths.
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