There is still lots to do, but we have also made some great strides! Picture number 1 is one of our three new windows. The windows were installed by a contractor friend but all the finish work was done by us. We had to do some insulation work with spray foam and then we trimmed it out, made the reveal and the sill. The large shelf is the top of what will be a built in book shelf. I will be able to have a nice place to keep my cook books at some point in the future and the cats will have a lovely shelf where they can watch the birds outside and where Val can eat up off the floor so that Rocky does not bother her. There were a few things that excited us the most about doing this. First off, finish work is fun. It's like putting on make up or decorating a cake. It's the reward for all the sweat and heavy lifting that goes into the job before you get to that point. The other thing that made this so cool was that our contractor friend intentionally left the finish work for us. Not because he did not want to do it, but because he looked at the work we were doing and felt we were up to doing it. He is really picky about how his jobs look so I honestly feel this was a very high compliment.

We have tons more to do. It is sometimes daunting how much remains yet to do. It takes so much time, partly because I only have weekends. My friend who helps with things I need to learn how to do (such as plumbing or electric) is not always available. He too is doing a bathroom and also has lots of kids and things that take his time. I hope that this weekend we will make more strides but we also have to make a dump run to get rid of the debris we have accumulated from the last few weeks of work. We are having friends over for a BBQ on the fourth and I don't want anyone getting hurt on the construction detritus.
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