Sunday, February 6, 2022

Much more snow!

 It has been almost a month since I have had a chance to write!  How did things get so busy?  Especially since Covid is still making life so complicated.  Part of the craziness has been weather related.  Last weekend we had a very large snow event.  This came at a time that my maintenance superintendent was out due to Covid.  My other maintenance man is still learning the ropes and not one I would leave to help my plow guy supervise snow removal for a large storm.  

The reports called for heavy snowfall and blowing and drifting.  I planned to be at the site early Sunday morning to help with the moving of cars so that the lots could be properly cleaned.  My wife told me Friday night that I might not be able to drive in to work on Sunday morning. We live 30 minutes away from my new job and that was something I had not considered.  My brain still defaults to the 3 minute commute I had for so many years.  

So I packed a small bag, grabbed a sleeping bag and spent the weekend at the property.  It wasn't really roughing it. While I was sleeping on the floor there was a rug and a full kitchen and a full bath available to  me.  I was honestly very comfortable.  The plow guy was surprised that I was there, but also very happy to find this out.  

The configuration of the site makes the logistics of plowing a big storm very challenging.  Having management there to make sure residents and their guests cooperated with the plow policy was very helpful.  His crew worked  21 hours straight before they stopped for rest.  Then we were back at it the next day.  But the end result was that the site looked great, the lots were safe for my residents and out of all the vehicles that needed to be moved I only  had to tow three cars.  Which is really good. And they were not resident cars which is even better.

I missed being with my family but thanks to the internet and cell phones we texted and chatted regularly.  When I was not helping the plow team, I found jobs in the office to help pass the time.  It was a good call and I am glad I did it.  My maintenance super is now back at work so hopefully should there be another storm, I can sleep in my own bed!

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