Saturday, December 7, 2013

Holiday Pops

KC's plan for this year was to have us see the Boston Pops Holiday concert.  Live, not on TV.  So I got tickets because, hey it sounded like a great idea.  Rob has always disliked holiday music though so I was wondering how this would be for him.  To make the trip more appealing, I suggested that he invite T, his girlfriend, to come along.  So last night, seven of us went to a nearby city (not Boston, thankfully they were playing somewhat closer to home) for an amazing evening.

It was so much fun, and the thing that shocked me was that it turned out my wife has always wanted to do this.  With the reserve that comes from adulthood, she had never voiced that dream, feeling it was too expensive and that our  money should go to other things.  There are some benefits to the fact that kids just say what is in their minds and hearts without thinking of those things! LOL So she was as excited as KC and Elisabeth. For Miss Lissa, the chance to wear dangly snowmen earrings and stay up late, was reason enough to be pumped.

But the music. The music just was beyond description.  It entranced all of us and even Rob pronounced the night a 9 out of a possible 10.  The weather was not particularly cooperative, as it rained on the way in and sleeted and snowed on the way home.  It was nearly 11:30 when we got back to our home, so it was a looooong night for the youngest. Today was dance for KC but we deferred grocery shopping till tomorrow so that we could sleep till at least 7.  Yes, oddly enough for my family that is late!

Today is also our city's Holiday Stroll.  There are lots of fun, free things for the kids to do in the different businesses downtown. There are cookies and hot cocoa, a chance to write letters to the military deployed away from home at this time of year. There is a place to see Santa and write him letters, crafts, story time, games galore. It is a great event. It was even better this year because for the first time ever my wife was able to join us.  Previously she has always been at work and I have taken the kids alone.  We walk down from our house and spend nearly 4 hours there.  4 freezing hours but 4 hours of absolute fun nonetheless.  Plus we see lots of friends and neighbors and that is a neat component as well.

Now it is time to tuck tired children into beds and hope they awaken rested and refreshed. Tomorrow we will skip church, and do the grocery shopping and then decorate our gingerbread house.

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