This picture was on our hiking trek at Wolfs Neck. K and I have learned that it is nigh onto impossible to get a shot where we ALL look good at the same time. I have proof that even the pros can't do it with my gang! LOL I have given up on Olan Mills and Sears and embrace the pictures we get with all their various imperfections. They are somehow dearer to me, and more true to the family that we are.
It was a chilly hike, with a stiff breeze coming off the ocean. Rob however is a macho young man and could hike comfortably in shorts . . . at least that was his story and he stuck to it! LOL Lissa was wearing KC's thermal underwear top and i had forsaken my perennial camping shorts for my leggings. Chet likes hiking with us. The only caveat is that he has to be first. He can't walk behind anyone. Ever. Years of work on this in school and at home have come to naught. Now I just clear the decks and let him go first. It isn't worth it to me to fight over it, because I love that hiking is something we can all do together.
And I love watching the dynamics that unfold as our kids grow. KC definately has a perception of "the brudders" as he says it, doing things together. In the case of hiking this means that the eldest 2 go charging off with Blake our dog, and KC is racing right behind them.
There is a different sense of time for me when we are camping and hiking. Even though I rarely sit for long, there is a sense of slowness to the days. They somehow stretch as long as they need to without feeling rushed. It isn't like that in the real world. It has been such a busy week at work and this weekend has a lot of things going on too. I have a retreat at church that i have to help run from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. I am looking forward to this like dental surgery.
I like the people, I like being on the RE committee. But the retreat was originally set for August which was fine for me as K didn't work on Saturdays in the summer. However when they moved the date to after Labor Day, it meant that I had to bring the kids with me to this. Can we say stress people? :-)
Sunday we have an adoption picnic to go to and then we will bring Rob to a local wildlife sanctuary where he and a homeschool group are going to have a campout. Yup, we are still camping!! (smile)
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