Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Derby Hats and dirt!

For about 3 weeks now my computer and my camera have been feuding, totally refusing to talk to one another.  Thankfully, my laborious efforts have somehow gotten them to recommit to their on again off again relationship as I had 167 pictures on the camera!  These were two of them--the hats we made to wear while we watched the Kentucky Derby. You will note that like most things we do, we have our own spin on what constitutes a Derby chapeaux!  The top photo has KC's (he took a lime bandanna and covered the bill of his ball cap) Lissa and Chet with his lucky horse shoes.  The second picture is Rob's "Rasta Lion" hat, Kirsty's "flower" cap  and mine which has gold stars and lucky horse shoes.

It isn't just that I wanted to post these pictures, but late last night my wife arrived home from her trip to KY to visit a dear friend.  She brought me  A racing horseshoe with real dirt from Churchill Downs!  Yes, really.  The little girl in me who dreamed of being a jockey literally squealed with delight.  I have yet to decide where to put it.  It is so special and so very , very cool.

It is a mark of how well she knows me.  Today is also our anniversary.  On this day in 1979 we pledged our commitment to each other privately.  On this day, in 2004, we pledged it publicly and were declared married. I never thought that would happen.  Then I never thought it would happen anywhere but here in my New England state.  Now there are 18 states that recognize my marriage legally.  That blows me away almost as much as the length of time we have been together.

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