Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Of Television and Autism

Much of the time I don't really notice the differences between how Chet and I interact, or even how Chet views the world.  This has been the reality of our life for so long it is our definition of normal.  I noticed something this week though--sort of silly, but it was there.

Fall is the time when new television shows are promoted.  I am not a big TV watcher except for the fact that I watch TV while I do piece work at night.  No work= no TV watching for me. But luckily right now we have a lot of piece work to do. 

Rob has had a couple of shows that he has wanted to try out and we have watched them together in the evenings.  It is companionable, and it also allows me to make sure that I am comfortable with what he is watching.

Chet on the other hand, HATES new shows.  They disrupt the routine of the familiar. He would rather watch a repeat of an old show than see a new show.  An old show replacing a star with a new actor destroys his viewing experience. He can not even bring himself to try the new show.

It is all about the order that he tries to impose in his world and I understand that.  But I guess sometimes I forget how terribly important that is to him.  I'm glad for the reminder.

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