Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Fiona post-fashion show

Last night Jane called because Fiona was in the hospital.  She said that the team had noticed that there is a pattern of dysregultaion after family visits and had put systems in place to try and alleviate things.  Jane feels that there is nothing seriously wrong and hat unfortunately  the hospitalizations have become more or less "routine" for my daughter and she is requesting them when other interventions could work more effectively.  However becasue of Fiona's age, she needs to legally agree to taking an additional mood  stabalizer prn.  Her physician signed off on it and Jane thought that this would be of use when she was post visit.  That it would give her time to relax a bit and better be able to process the feelings that these inevitably engender.  Except that Fiona did not agree to the med.  As she is over 18 and technically, according to Jane, her own legal guardian she has to agree to the med.  While I am not a pro-medication person I do think trying the med instead of decompensating to the point of violence and hospitalization would be a better option--or at lease something to try.

I hate that part of me very irrationally feels responsible, knowing that my daughter is in the hospital because of her feelings from our visit.  The more rational part of me knows that these feelings are not really probably about us at all. They are more than likely all about first family members who continually let her down and who do not show up at family events even though we always do. I know that having visits is worth working through this, but I so wish it was easier for my daughter. And for me.

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