This face is the look that Lissa bestowed on a child at the park tonight! We were up there messing around and Lissa started playing with a little 3 year old girl. Although there were differences in language development because they are a year apart, Lissa was actually exactly the same height as the girl she was playing with. And she was also able to do all the things her little friend was doing. However one such activity looked like it should be called "let's have a trip to ER" so I said to Lissa "please be careful honey; we don't want any owies." The little friend looks over at Lissa and says "only big girls can do this." Lissa laughs and announces she is a big girl. Her friend tells her she isn't. Lissa repeats her assertion with more vigor. Little friend says no she is a baby. Lissa then says "me no baby" and stomps off to the slide where she stood and gave the above glare to the little girl. We call this her basilisk look! It cracked me up though. She is so sure she is a big kid all ready. BTW this picture was from January, but the look, the look was totally what she did tonight!
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