Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Keep me from Eating!!!

OK I have never considered that I had food issues. Not as in eating too much anyhow. Maybe as in obcessively worrying about my weight when I was a dancer, but not to the point where I was anorexic, or bulimic. I just was always very careful. And all my adult life I have sort of just stayed the same weight, plus or minus about 5 pounds. But folks that could change. I think my "diet tool" has been the fact that we usually have had work at night. You can't fold paper or count combs (our piece work business) and eat. Just flat out can't do it because obviously crumbs in the product or greasy finger marks are a no no, even in the low paying world of piece work. Plus piece work isn't really all that low paying if you are fast. Therefore your fingers need to keep doing what they are supposed to be doing.

But we haven't had work consistantly in about 5 weeks. A couple rush orders here and there, but nothing consistant. We may have an order coming in tomorrow. Goddess I hope so. Because I am going to be like 25 pounds heavier in a month or so if this keeps up! LOL

I am the only one in the family awake in the evenings. I don't watch TV if I don't have piece work, I prefer to read. And when I read, I like to nibble. A lot. OK I like to eat like I haven't seen food in days. . . And I read a lot if I am not working. I used to read 7 books a week in my pre-kid, pre-home schooling mom-pre home biz life. I would curl up every evening and read for about 3 hours. I so don't have that amount of time consistantly anymore. But can you imagine what 3 hours of eating does even inconsistantly?

If there are not tortilla chips in the house I eat saltines. I adore saltines. I can mow through an entire sleeve of saltine crackers. Kirsty says I eat them like a buzz saw. She is probably right! Last night I ate 1/2 of a giant (and I do mean family sized) bag of baby carrots. For crying out loud, Peter Rabbit doesn't eat that many carrots! Today at work someone gave me an awesome salsa and guacamole dip. It was too spicy for her and she thought I might like it. Actually I think she secretly wanted to see my eyes bug out of my head and smoke come out my ears when she gave me the sample. She looked the teensiest bit disappointed when I ate it, loved it and offered to take it off her hands if she really didn't want it. But I accidently left it in the fridge at work which is a good thing for my waistline. Tonite, with crackers, it would have been an orgy. If I have it here at the house when we have work, I would be more likely to use it as the basis of an actual meal which would be much healthier.

Sigh. I am off to brush my teeth. I won't want to eat if I brush my teeth. Well, I will want to, but I will know that i am too lazy to brush my teeth twice in a relatively short period of time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've gained A LOT of weight in the last year or two, some needed and some not. But the end of your story reminded me of a story from our foster/adoptive training class. When asked how to deal with children m*sturbating, one couple said that when their young bio son got obsessed with it, they told him it was something he could do alone in his bedroom but that he'd have to wash his hands afterward. Apparently just the thought of having to wash his hands was enough to deter him! But I'm like you about brushing teeth. Once that's done, it's all done.