Saturday, August 22, 2009

Home Repair Day

Our back door has a narrow walkway so it is pretty tough to find an angle that shows our new storm door to its best advantage. Last winter during the big ice storm, our old door nearly got ripped off the hinges. Never wanting to rush into anything, we replaced it today. LOL Actually it is more about getting the perfect convergance of money, time and good weather which luckily happened today. The new door is really nice. It closes. And latches without all the unusual drama that happened after the old one was damaged. You can even lock it with a key from the outside, though why anyone would consider a storm door lock secure I don't know. For security, I want my deadbolt locking system thank you!

It only took about 4 hours to get the old door off and the new door on. When we put on the first storm door many years ago we didn't have power tools yet and it was an all day job. Power tools rock! I was even allowed to use the drill twice. Kirsty kind of micromanages me with power tools. I have what might be called "Tim Allen Syndrome." (all things can be solved with MORE POWER. I am showing my age here with the dated TV reference) Also I don't read instructions when I build things. Ever. I would rather figure it out as i go along. Yes, I will agree this sometimes means that i build it over. And over. Till it is right. But I don't sit around for 15 minutes staring at specs and saying "I just don't get it" and flipping the Z bar around in the air so much that i look like I am twirling a baton. LOL

In reality her way is undeniably better. The end result is awesome.


Todd said...

New door looks nice, awesome even. *smile* As for reading directions first, I don't either.

Ally said...

A baton eh? hmmm...well, I did always want to be a cheerleader, lol!

A bit of confusion is okay, g, because, after all, our first door came prehung...we've evolved in home repair enough that we can now hang a non-prehung door with only a wee bit of help via phone w/our maintenance-man friend.

Damned zbar anyhoo...

K wife of "Lee the toolwoman"