Sunday, August 23, 2009

Screaming Sunday!

Well not the whole day, but significant portions thus far. And just for the record, it is KC screaming, not me! I am not a screamer by nature. Come from a family of non screamers, so it just isn't in me to scream. I am stern yes, and down right mean sometimes (at least that is what the kids say, but scream? Nope)

Normally KC's my easy going guy, but of late, he has been going through a bit of a rough patch. Suddenly if he is angry he is *very* angry. Not just yelling and screaming but pitching things about. Sigh. Two days ago he lost his art table for the night because when I asked him to do something he didn't want to do (shower!) he pitched it end over end across the living room.

This morning he has screamed and wailed off and on most of the time he has been awake. Not constantly. He was fine when we all went grocery shopping. But in between times, any time life didn't go exactly his way, he screamed. Or pitched something. And lunch was a cheese quesadilla which ,according to KC ,is the equivilent of eating poison from the dark side. Much screaming. Much histrionics. Finally he did eat a quarter of it. Or else hid it really really well as I can't find it anywhere! LOL

One of the things I find different about parenting children who are mine through adoption is that I am always second guessing myself about what is "normal" and what might need intervention or assistance. Both of my two youngest were very slow to talk and I jumped right on the early intervention bandwagon. I don't in retrospect think that they spoke any quicker or more clearly as a result of EI. They talked when they were ready. In KC's case, he was just happy to observe the world. In Lissa's, music class unlocked speech for her in a way EI never did.

It is like that with emotional stuff too. Rob is quiet and entering the teen years. I spend time wondering if he is quiet and moody because he is a teen or because he has some festering issue that I should be ferretting out.

Chet's aspergers makes for the need to explain everything and to try and reduce emotions to something quantifiable that he can wrap his mind around.

Lissa is very high energy and impulsive, very prone to physical responses. Most times I think it is that she is 2. Well 2 and has 3 brothers! Sometimes I wonder if it is behavior that is in some way tied to the regular substance use by her birth mom.

And with KC I have the same worries and wonders. Most likely, he has just been challenging himself in so many areas to be "a big boy" that periodically he melts down over inconsequentials. But he too, has a history in his bio family that could impact abilities and behaviors. So I worry occasionally, and wonder. But for now, I am going to go make bread. Very therapeutic for the parent!

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