Saturday, February 12, 2011

The best laid plans

The long and short of things is that KC is still sick.  Not as horribly sick as he was before the antibiotic. However not really way better. And the antibiotic makes him feel sick to his stomach. So he has to lay down for a bit after he has it. I didn't know this till we were out doing errands this mornign and he nearly became sick at the post office.  Yikes!  Got him home and laying down and in about 30 minutes he was fine again. So we went to the library and to the grocery store. But definately rushed and I put him in the big section of one of our buggies (we use 2) so that he wasn't walking through the store the way he usually does.

This all impacts Lissa the most this weekend. As this is the weekend of her play.  Which she is not going to be in tonight.  I had originally planned to take everyone (Kirsty is at work) but this would mean a lateish night for kids who are sick.  I probably didn't mention it, but Lissa has a touch of this too.  Not as badly as KC but I don't want to over extend her either.  I confess that I don't really do babysitters.  And KC would never sleep if both K and I were out of the house.  So there will be no Lissa the dino tonight.  Which may be a better thing than it sounds as by last week after I had finished constructing the costume she wasn't sure she wanted to be in the play.  LOL  The whims of a 4 year old change by the minute.

Tomorrow the play has a matinee performance so my thought is that she can be in that showing. KC and I are scheduled to sell tickets but if he is not up to it he can stay home with Kirsty and I will take the rest of the gang to church (our church is about a half hour away)  We shall see!

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