Sunday, January 29, 2012

Fiona is in the hospital.  I suppose this is not a bad thing.  On the plus side, she requested hospitalization.   I am thinking that if this signifies a growing awareness of  when  she is losing control, and when her mental health is less stable, then it is a good thing.  It is also a good thing for me to remember that her mental health issues will always be a huge challenge.  For all of us who love her, and for my daughter herself.  When things began spiraling for Fiona last week, Jane reminded me that I could not allow my kids here at home to be held hostage by her mental illness.  This was so hard to hear and yet so wise.  I want Fiona to know always how much we love her.  I want her to know we will always be here for her. 

But there are things that love can't fix.  Mental illness is one of those things.  I need to remember always that she needs wise strong professionals in her life  I can advocate.  I will advocate.  And I need to learn as much as I can from amazing Jane in the next two years.  At that point Fiona graduates and I need to be as aware as possible of how to access services for her.

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