Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!

Valentines Day is a holiday that my wife believes is engineered solely by retailers for profit.  I am not really buying into that.  And even if Ha**mark tries to milk the day--it is our choice how we choose to show our loved ones that we care.  And so, despite our philosophical differences, Valentines Day was celebrated in our own unique fashion in our corner of the NorthEast.

First, there was breakfast.  I made heart shaped raisen toast and scrambled eggs.  It was a fun way to start the day and oddly enough even the older kids enjoy a certain amount of hokey!.  Home made valentines are also a tradition in our family. For the past two weeks we have all been making valentines and putting them in the "mailbox" that appears in our dining room each year.  Cards arrive in the mail as well and those are carefully put in the mailbox as well.

There is a traditional Valentines Day supper.  No, not a fondue.  No, not some fancy feast.  Rather, it is individual heart shaped pizzas.  And a heart shaped cake with lots of sprinkles for dessert.  We look at our valentines while we eat and that is usually it.  Except that with KC around, you never know what he will think up.  This year he made Rob find a picture of a "love bird" on line and print it off.  He had a "love bird" contest after supper where we all tried to get votes as the best love bird.  Lissa and I tied, but that is only because I kept flapping and tweeting longer than a 5 year old could. LOL  There were silly jokes and so much laughter. 

Happy Valentines Day everyone!

PS and for my wife the anti-Valentine, I got a small arrangement of flowers and made a card that was inspired by something from Pioneer Woman's site.  It was a cat, eating Cupid as if the little guy was a bird.  It was perfect and she laughed and laughed.

1 comment:

Dia por Dia said...

I love it! Sound perfect!