Friday, January 9, 2009

Thank the goddess for Fridays!

Predicatably, it was an exhuasting week at work! Having an amazing amount of time should have left me well rested and in some respects ready for the onslaught awaiting me. In other respects I was almost at a disadvantage by being rested. My rhythms were not the frenetic pace that my work days typically are and I felt like a record that should be 33 rpm (dating myself here as this is the CD age) being played at 45 rpm. By weeks end, I was more my "work self" sufficiently over caffienated that I was multitasking and getting boatloads of stuff done. But I miss the quieter rhythms. Thus, thank goddess for Fridays! Today at 4 I could breathe deeply, let go of the work pace a bit and re-group.

I braved the ice and took the dog for a walk. We admired the moon, riding high and nearly full in the cloudless sky. How it can be cloudless when yet more snow is supposed to be on its way, but for now, cloudless it is. I came home and tidied the kitchen and played with the kids and then took each of them out to see the moon once it was really darker out. KC is my true moon child. Kissed by the light of the full moon only weeks after his birth he has always gravitated toward the peaceful light of luna. Lissa is a sun child, of active sparkling energy but tonight she too was a bit awed by the beauty that is moon light in winter. "Oooooh cool!" she whispered, and as she was warmly wrapped, I know it was a comment on the sight and not the temperature.

Such moments are true blessings, memories I hold close to me when times are trying.

1 comment:

Todd said...

Glad you were able to debrief and slow down. The moon must've been beautiful - I missed looking because I prefer staying inside where it's warm. Anyway, sweet comment.