Saturday, May 30, 2009

KC is reading!

Yup, I have an emerging reader. He has been reading the titles to the Kipper cartoons that he watches on Sprout for a few months now. I sort of discounted that. Though there are no visual cue to the titles, he has a phenomenal memory and might be able to figure out which episode is playing from the "theme" of the show that night.

But, I was wrong. He really is reading. Last week we were at the post office. I helped him read the sign "please wait for the next available clerk" He amused himself with it greatly and has since, been able to read "please wait here" and "please wait for the next available teller". All variations on a theme but showing that he was looking at words as opposed to rote memorization.

Last night he read a book Hoot Hiss and Howl out loud to Kirsty and I. It is a library book and not a book we ever read before. There are definately pictoral cues that helped on some pages, but not on all.

Today he went to put a CD on for his sister. He noticed from the title of the CD that it wasn't the one she had asked for and asked her if it was OK to listen to "bells" instead of "triangles." OK this is just way cool. He hasn't been 5 more than a couple of months. I am stoked!


Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! That is best!

Todd said...

That's cool. Rain and I were just saying how it's so cool that at some point it's like a switch is clicked and suddenly they progress to the next stage automatically! :-)