What is this? A beautiful ceiling? How did it come to our home? Hmmm watch and see the saga!

Oh, the tiles go like that?
And come out of the box like that? Easy peasy!

But before any project, Sally Safety always dons her goggles!

And Ooma poses on the island like the Statue of Liberty. Give me your bent staples and your tired, weary nails. . .

Kirsty assures me this is a backbend. Hmmm, I"m not convinced. But I'll give you that she
could be a sexy cover model for some home improvement magazine.

Ah, the ceiling is finally naked and ready for its new tiles.

I thought this was cool. Original ceiling board. I suspect my grandparents put it up. It has a floral print on it. Really!
You two should be the poster children for the next Home depot fixer-upper ad campaign!!! You amaze me!
Nice job. I was amazed by the flowered sheetrock(?) that was under the old ceiling. Do you think it was meant to be used in place of wallpaper, sort of like wallboard and wallpaper combined?
I love old building materials. This summer I toured an old mansion in Vermont where I got to see some original late nineteenth century lincrusta, a really bizarre faux leather wall treatment invented by the son of the man who gave us linoleum. It rocked.
Very nice done, Lee family! So proud of you all.
I was wondering if the covered wall board was meant as a wallpaper/sheetrock combo as well. It was so cool though. My house is really old and I am still uncovering mysteries after all these years!
it looks like you guys have absolutely everything, so i thought i'd ask if you know anything about stretched ceilings. There is this company in New York called the Plafond Group that specializes is stretch ceilings. I must say that this is the best technology i have ever seen. Their pictures can be viewed at www.eurostretchceiling.com
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