Thursday, October 15, 2009

Fiona's clinician emails me again

So I have all ready had more communication with this clinician than anyone she had in the 2 yrs she was in the 2 previous placements. We are getting along swimmingly. One odd thing came to light in the course of the recent emails. I had asked the clinician (who needs a blog name so I will call her Jane) what Fiona would like for Christmas and birthday (same day for both events) . I need to put things on layaway so I need lead time. She didn't really answer that but in an email to me she asked this question of the people on Fiona's "team." I assume from some of the people who I recognized that this is teacher, DSS worker and others I do not know. But as part of her query to them she noted that Fiona would likely want phone contact with us if she were brave enough to ask but other than that, what would she like for the holidays. Well the thing is, we never asked that phone contact be terminated or monitored. Years and years ago when she was first removed from our home, I had to be on the other extension when she talked with Robbie because some things were not appropriate to be discussing with her brother. But that was literally long ago. Rob was maybe 5 or 6 when that happened and he is 13 now. I haven't listened in for years. Not to mention the fact that she would often want to talk with me, or with one of the other kids.

So I emailed Jane back and said that we had never asked her not to call and in fact would love to have more consistant phone contact with her. So Jane will check this out with the "mini team " and see what she can get rolling. That is good and really exciting. Even more exciting was this sentence in her email to me:

"At this point DSS and you all are her” family” so I am treating you all as I would a family and connecting you with the mini-team"

Cool ness! In my heart she has always been my daughter, so I can't tell you how wonderful those words were to read. I am flying right now.