Monday, November 28, 2011

Walking and Singing a Holiday Tune

I don't expect this is what was meant in the carol "The Little Drummer Boy!"   I love watching my kids make music though.  It lifts my spirits even when it is discordant, loud, or when I have a migraine.  And it isn't always loud or discordant, just sometimes! LOL

Tonight was amazingly warm for November in our region.  After supper we walked through the darkened neighborhood looking at some of the houses that have all ready got holiday light displays up.  (ours is one of them)  It isn't normally pleasant walking in the dark in November around here.  Usually there are chill winds and sometimes icy patches underfoot that worry my wife. But tonight was a bit of a gift from the goddess.  The clouds danced away and we saw Luna, a lovely crescent moon shining down on us. We sang carols as we went up and down the streets (Rob laughing at the antics of the littles--I refuse to believe he was laughing at the singing of his parents!)  It was only about 10 or 15 minutes, but it was a magical moment at the end of a day that was less than stellar.

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