Tuesday, November 1, 2011

When should I push my kids?

As anyone who knows my family or reads my blog, probably knows, my KC is a performer that is somewhat unique.  He loves to perform but gets the most AWFUL stage fright.  He has gotten through 2 recitals successfully though and has always been very proud of himself when he has accomplished this.  Yet every fall when he asks to go back to dance, it is with the caveat that there will be no recital.  Last year was pretty easy as his teacher did not want any costume money till January. So he had a longer span of time to find and groove there and ultimately to change his mind. This year however, his teacher needs the costume deposit this coming Saturday.

Lissa totally wants to be in the recital.  KC is still adament that he does not.  I truly am always at 6's and 7's about this kind of situation.  I want my kids to stretch but I also don't want them to do something just because I want them to.  I know in my heart that he is a good dancer who really enjoys the experience. (otherwise he would not be asking if we can try to add jazz to his repertoire of tap and ballet!) I worry that if I push him that he will decide not to take lessons because then he is not faced with this dilemma and that would be horrible.  This is a kid who literally dances down deserted aisles of the grocery store every Saturday morning!

So what does a confused parent do?  I explained it to the dance teacher and asked if she would talk with him next Saturday!  LOL Can we all say cop out?

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