Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween, Nature's tricks and remembrances

This picture shows why there was no Trick or Treating in our community tonight!  It may be Halloween but it is unsafe for people to be out.  A freak "trick" by Mother Nature dumped more than 16 inches of heavy wet snow on the region.  Lots of downed wires, (we were without power from 10 p.m. Saturday to 2:30 a.m. Monday)  downed limbs and slippery roads.  So trick or treat is Thursday, but we pagans celebrate Halloween even if we don't go out and snag candy!  LOL
 A spooky supper is a holiday tradition that can happen regardless.  Here is Spooky Lissa. . .
 . . .and KC lurking behind a chair

Rob grins beside the top part of a wiches hat that the kids made out of a pink camo handkerchief, a foam cone and a cardboard circle painted black!

We had spooky pizza decorated with cheese "spiderwebs" delish sugar cookies artfully decorated as pumpkins and ghosts.  Truly I should have taken a picture but we were too busy munching.  And our beverage of choice--Kool Aid Fizzy Lemonade, aka "swamp water punch!"

For me, at a deeper level, this is a night of remembrance.  I believe the veil between the worlds is thinner on this night and I feel the love of those who have gone before more closely.  When my kids are abed, I light a candle and have a quiet ritual time of my own.

For my Rob it is also a time of remembrance.  His sister Krystal has a birthday just a day or two before Halloween.  Due to our power outage we could not wish her happy birthday on line on her day. When he went on tonight, her Facebook account which is our means of connection, appears to be gone.  I could see the sadness in his eyes.  I gave him the personal email that I had for her, but I don't know if that works or not. Krystal was the sister he was the closest to in his first family.  I often wonder if a part of him is angry that we let her go to Cousin N because we could not guarantee her safety if Fiona stayed in our home. I wonder if that anger is directed towards us, or toward Fiona.  Or himself, for feeling disloyal to family.  These are hard conversations to have and ones he has indicated that he does not want to have right now.  I respect that.  It is his grief and his pain and he can and should share it as he wishes.  As long as he knows I am there and that we can grieve together.

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