Friday, December 23, 2011

Gift Cards are an endangered species!

Tomorrow we go see Fiona and celebrate her birthday.  My expense check from my job finally came so now I have the money that I budgeted for her laptop.  I had told the school that I would kick in $125.00 towards the laptop and they could use it to defray the cost or to help her buy software, or down load songs on it, whatever she would like that was sanctioned.  In a comedy of holiday madness my bank ran out of gift cards, the bank next door doesn't do gift cards and my wife is now out getting it at a local grocery store.  How a cash gift card became a hard thing to get makes me shake my head in amazement.

There are times when I see differences in the way K and I look at parenting Fiona.  When I explained my dilemma to K, who was leaving to do errands, she was surprised I was spending that much on her gift card.  I said it was comparable to what the other kids get and that none of her other gifts from us were expensive. K feels there is a difference in her mind, because we have legally adopted the 4 who are at home with us and that our relationship with Fi is different.  I said it is different legally, but not in my heart.  She is my daughter, and whenever possible, she gets what they get. That means I bring a home made cake on her birthday and she is getting the gift cards.  Don't get me wrong, K doesn't begrudge what we are giving Fiona, but I am sad that there is that weird perceived difference in her mind.  Pieces of paper are not about being a parent and love binds more than any document from any court.

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