Thursday, June 10, 2010

Lissa gets a trophy and KC does math!

Sunday was Lissa's first gymnastics "show" and she wasn't there.  We have only done gymnastics for 3 weeks and her class was going to march around the gym and then do an obstacle course.  I had a committment to chair a meeting at church and had no way to get her there without going insane.  I opted for sanity and skipped it as she at this point has no real clue what a show entails and wasn't upsetting. To her, gymnastics happens on Wednesday and it isn't even on her radar on  a Sunday afternoon.

So yesterday we trucked over to the gym.  She did awesome, her fearless drive to try the apparatus amazes me.  One of the skills they worked on was standing on the low bar of the unevens, reaching out to grab the high bar and then letting go, to practice sticking the landing.  She did great, falling the first two times, sticking the last two.  Then at the end of class they gave her a trophy, which would have been given at the show.  Thankfully there were 2 other classmates who also were not there and received their participation trophy in class as well. 

We came home and I discovered our home school curriculum had arrived.  I had just ordered this on Tuesday so the speed amazed me.  Rob's going to be in grade 9 and KC in first grade, the first year we have to "officially" home school him and file a letter of intent with the city.  I am pretty familiar with Rob's courses so I started looking at the first grade curriculum.  I have never homeschooled a first grader.  I discovered that in the math section, he is all ready beyond this curriculum.  They have the kids grouping manipulatives to add and nothing they add comes to a sum greater than 10. He stopped using manipulatives for addition at about 4.  KC counts to 100 by 1's, counts to 100 by 10's and is learning counting by 2's.  He does addition with use of a number line and adds numbers by ones and twos but the sums can total up to 30.  This is via a Kunan math workbook I found at a bookstore!  So we are going to skip the math component in Oak Meadow and keep working with the Kunan system.  I do love the way Oak Meadow does their science, social studies and english components though.  KC was ticked this morning though to find out he wasn't getting  a "new" math book!  Too funny!

1 comment:

Todd said...

Sounds like the 'kids' are doing awesome both physically and mentally. Way to go!