Saturday, June 19, 2010

Last Solitary Saturday . . .

till September!  K switches to a Friday shift for the summer and though her paycheck will be a lot less I am looking forward to the increased time for us all together as a family. Next Saturday we take Rob up to a UU campground in my mom's state for a week of away camp.  I know he enjoys this greatly and I know too that he usually returns with a slightly increased appreciation for his family.

Today he got to spend his birthday money on the skateboarder sneaks he has been hoping for.  It takes him forever to choose so I actually went to the store next door and bought some sundries for the house, went back to the sports store and bought myself a bathing suit and he was just then finishing up.  (laughing)  I tried on 2 suits and liked them both so I let the kids choose which one to buy.  KC and Lissa predictably each chose the one the other did not, so Rob was the tie breaker vote.  It is  a two piece tankini kind of tie dyed looking. It is really pretty. Best of all, it cost $15.00  Pretty cool.

Now I am off to look for a lemonade recipe.  I used to use one from someone's blog but they don't have that blog any longer and I didn't print off her oh so divine lemonade recipe.  Off to google as there are lemons on the counter awaiting to be squeezed!

1 comment:

GasStation Cappuccino said...

Sounds like shopping with us...

And if you find a good recipe, be sure to share!!