Friday, February 19, 2010

Ant phobia

Me that is.  Remember how I said KC got a "cool ant farm" from his uncle.  Well I have to screw up the courage to send in the postcard that gets you the ants.  See I have this weird anti-ant thing.  Brian knows about it and i am sure that if I can get the ants into the ant farm I will eventually agree with him on how totally cool (shudder) it is to watch the little devils.  I love nature.  I catch spiders in the house and relocate them outside.  I am not off put by centipedes and do the same thing.  Snakes?  No worries. But ants?  Ants send me round the bend.  Here's what happened.

When I first moved out on my own at the tender age of 18 I lived in a converted summer cottage that used to be my grandfathers.  The well went dry and we had to have city water put in.  I was going to school and working three part time jobs. They dug for the piping while I was working.  I came home late that summer night, very tired.  I walked through the little house without putting on lights.  I kicked off my slides in the living room and stepped into the bathroom barefoot.  To hear crunch.  I turned on the light and literally watched the floor and walls ripple because there were so many ants everywhere.  The digging had disturbed a huge nest of carpenter ants and they followed the piping straight to the bathroom.  I got a can of raid and stuck my arm in the bathroom and sprayed.  I slammed the door shut and I could hear their little bodies falling off the walls.  It took most of a can of raid to kill them all.  Well, it might have taken less but I wasn't taking chances.  LOL  Then I vacuumed up the corpses.  And ever since then I have abhorred ants with a ridiculous intensity.

But I don't want to pass such a stupid aversion on to my children so I will screw up my courage and send it the ant post card this weekend.  I hope.  Ewwwww.

1 comment:

Channie said...

OMG that story made my skin crawl. EEWW.....good luck with the ant farm though. :-)