Monday, March 1, 2010

Happy March 1st!

A new month always feels (well almost always) so pregnant with possibilities. Things to explore and do, (fun) tasks to do (less fun) family times, church times.  It is a pause where there is this momentary blank slate, where I am not looking at the calendar going "OMG only 3 more days left to get thus and so done."  I love it!

My kids love the beginning of a new month too. What can I say, I have passed on my weirdness.  They all get a calendar and they ceremoniously hang up the new page, or in the case of Rob, turn the page.  They love to dream about what will happen that month.  This month there is all ready on the docket a get together at a friends on Saturday, St. Patricks Day, the first day of spring and Maple Sugar Sunday at the state that my mom lives in.   I wonder what other challenges and treasures the blank squares will hold for us?

Today for instance, KC informed me, is "my lucky day."  When I asked what he meant he said that when they make muffins at home I never get any. (true; they all eat an entire batch!) He apparently has been thinking about this and his plan is to have K help he and Lissa make a batch of our favorite muffins (muffins that taste like donuts is their official name) and bring that and a coffee from Dunkins to the office for me.  Now how cute and how caring is that?

1 comment:

Todd said...

That IS *very* cute, sweet, and thoughtful! Awesome :-)