Thursday, May 6, 2010

A is for Ant

The mail came today, and guess what was in it?  KC's long awaited ants.  Um, gee honey look!  I so tried for enthusiasm and I was doing pretty darn well in the department till I got the package open on the porch. No way in heck was that package coming inside the HOUSE!  LOL  When opened there were all these warnings about how these were harvester ants and do.not.touch. them.  Warnings about how they give a nasty bite that typically causes swelling and sometimes bruising.  Yup, my son's doting UNCLE gave us this joy!  So now, my joy is even more dim and still in my happy voice I send the kids inside with the recycling.  And I stand there on the walk holding the vial of the wee beasties and knowing I somehow have to make myself pry off the top and dump them in the ant farm, which is filled with this blue gel stuff.  I stand there staring at them, transfixed with horror.  And thank goddess, my wife walks outside, takes the vial and dumps them in.  We seal the top (we put extra tape around the top for good measure--guess who helpfully suggested that!) and bring it in. 

I have to give Uncle props for fascinating my kids.  They really enjoyed watching the ants.  They have begun building tunnels and you can see them bite off chunks of the blue gel and carry it to another location and then come back for more.  It is interesting.  It is also creepy and when I go to bed tonight I just KNOW my dreams will be filled with ants.  Lots and lots of ants.

1 comment:

Mama Drama Times Two said...

Cool, in a creepy, itchy, scientific kinda way.... Ask your kids if they know about Leaf Cutter Ants...