Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sunny Sunday

Well the weather started kind of weird.  Sun when we got up (say 6ish) but by 9 it was cloudy and looking like rain again.  I had originally planned to pack lunches to bring to church and figured we would hike after service.  However I knew that if I got the tribe pumped for that and the weather interfered, they would be cranky.  And I didn't feel like dealing with cranky, so I didn't pack lunches and we just set off for church.  And of course, in the way of things, the skies cleared.  LOL  Truly if I had packed lunches it would have poured, I have that kind of karma with weather. 

There was not programming for the kids at church  today as so many people go away this weekend.  But the kids hung out on the playground with 3 other kids (my kids comprising 50 percent of the population) and had a great time.  Also great was the fact that ALL 6 kids were brown. 

We came home and I got quick lunches together and had Chet mow the lawn. Despite the fact we use a push mower, I don't ever have him mow alone.  He sometimes gets an odd idea into his head and someone who is neurotypical should be around to make sure he doesn't lose a limb. Or a digit at the very least. Trust me, some of these creative ideas, well, they are just.

Then we packed up and headed out to hike.  The littles decided they all wanted to wear back packs.  Lissa put her water bottle in hers.  KC put a magnifying glass, small binoculars, and a drawing pad and pen in his. Oh and his apple juice. The actual distance was only a bit over a mile but we took a long time because the kids--well primarily KC was so intent on everything.  He peered at butterflies with his magnifying glass. (we saw tiger swallowtails and Harris checkerspots I think) Then he would draw them in his notebook and write down something about them. Later, we saw a snake and some dragonflies, so everyone seemed to feel that our wildlife quota was filled!  But truthfully, his interest and desire to note it all down, amazed me.

After hiking we hit the grocery store, something I typically never do at 3:45 on any day.  But we got through pretty quickly, the kids are really good at helping with grocery shopping.  Then it was home to unload and start supper.  Thankfully I could throw together beans and rice quickly. Cheating with canned dominican beans, and adding some freshly sauteed zuchini and summer squash and some corn left from last years harvest.  Served over rice with a bit of sauce it was tasty and quick.

Now all are abed and I have to start on the evening piece work. But it was a glorious day and I am grateful to have been sharing it with my family.

1 comment:

Todd said...

Sound, definitely, like you all had a good Sunday. Awesomeness!!