Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Feelin' Proud

My gremlins have been really doing well lately.  Probably I have jinxed myself just thinking that!  From smallest to tallest (which makes me sound like I am writing a la Dr. Seuss!) they are growing and expanding their abilities and it totally excites me.

Lissa--decided this morning to get herself dressed.  While I had a heart failure moment as this meant she was opening heavy dresser drawers herself and I worry about little fingers getting smushed, we have decided together that she will pick out her clothes the night before, and I'll leave them on top of her dresser.  I have to tell you that at 3 this was NEVER on KC's radar!  LOL  She also is shining so much at gymnastics that this fall they are moving her to a more advanced group. Since she only stared about 3 months ago, that is pretty huge.

KC--reading up a storm.  Does math in his head and adores "school work."  My resident artist who doesn't leave for a hike without tucking a sketchbook and pencil in his back pack so that he can "remember" all he sees.  I love watching the quick vignettes he chooses to put to paper in those situations.  It is nothing short of magical to me.

Rob--has been really trying to be helpful and more communicative.  Communicating is soooooo hard for him.  I am always wondering what happened in those first 5 years that made him decide it was so much better and safer not to speak.  I try to find lots of ways we can spend time together and feel close without him feeling the burden and anxiety of carrying a conversation.  This past weekend we watched a lot of X Games in the evening. (OK it is weird that I like to watch motorcycles shoot 35 feet into the air, but I do!) and last night we watched a ball game together.  He does well with the kind of desultory conversation that these type of situations engender.

Chet--has also been quite helpful lately.  And done for the most part, a better job of communicating.  (if we discount the fact that he recited a 7-11 commercial as part of his dinner conversation last night).  He has had one of the best  camping trips we have had with him this summer and I am hoping that the upcoming trip is just as successful.


Todd said...

I'm so happy for you all! *huge smile*

Bryna said...

I'm glad things are going well! It's good to read things like this when it feels like everything is falling apart at our house