Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ahoy Matey!

Yesterday we went to a Pirate birthday party.  The little 4 y/o boy was another sibling of  one of KC's dance buddies.  Zack and Lissa played a lot together during those dance lessons.  She being very much a tomboy dressed as a princess had great fun playing dinosaurs and monster trucks with "Zaky" as she calls him.

The other kids and i had fun at the party too.  I like chatting with just about anyone so it doesn't faze me as a rule if I only know one person (or even none) when I go some where.  I will usually find someone to chat with and this was no exception.  Also, Zack's mom Desiree (who I had also become friends with) was amazingly accommodating to our vegetarianism and had LOTS of options for us there.  This is way cool as not everyone is like that.  I still get a lot of "well there's green salad" or even "bring your own food and keep it away from ours" in other settings. (usually extended family!) LOL

Anyway, becoming friends with the adults involved in the dance class scene was something that I really found I had to work hard at.  They were not a chatty bunch, all seeming to prefer to text on their phones or read emails on their phones or. . . whatever on their phones.  But either because I can't NOT chat or because my phone does none of those things, I was that annoying mosquito that would not go away and became friends with Desiree and another couple of moms as well, likely by sheer dint of persistance.  

The reason I recount this is that yesterday Desiree let slip that the reason she had been reluctant to chat with me was that she didn't remember my name!  So I think she spent weeks avoiding talking just because of that.  Then she heard me tell another mom about how I got my nickname of Lee (which obviously relieved angst for her as when she recounted the story it was so verbatim from the conversation I had with someone about my nickname!)  Anyway, it just cracked me up.  I am glad that serendipity stepped in and allowed her to learn my name again in a way that made her feel comfortable so that our friendship could blossom.  And speaking of blossoms, that reminds me that when the rain stops, I need a picture of our morning glories!  They are stunning!

1 comment:

Todd said...

It's neat the way you so easily make friends. I envy you.