Sunday, August 22, 2010

Morning Glorious

I have always loved morning glories. When I was little, my mom who is not really a plant person, grew two small pots of them and hung them on our clothesline. It was one of those clotheslines that twirl around and they had one side to use to send their vines out on.  We had a couple clotheslines so I guess that was why she dontated that side to the plants.  It was my job to water them.  They were just so beautiful and my morning glory love was born.

We have had morning glories almost every year at our house since K and i started gardening many years ago.  Some years we have opted for sweet peas instead but usually my morning glory obscession prevails.  This is a shot of some of this years crop and they are really lovely.  One of the things I love about them is that KC calls them "morning glorious" never "morning glories."  And he is right.


Todd said...

They are very beautiful. I miss ours :( Oh, the name you gave them is fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lee, wanted to say hi and let you know who has been reading. i have enjoyed reading your blog ( the whole thing!) and love love love how inspired i feel after each post. Thank you. Heidi