Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sunday Service

Not being like "regular" church going folks, my church officially closes for the summer. (I am a UU pagan).  However we have a large and thriving community and summer services, all lay led ,continue all summer long.  I usually take in a couple of these and today was one such.  I am still sort of tired from yesterday's trip to the Big City and my migraine ,but my friend Raven who is a shaman was leading the service.  He has an amazing choir from his own church that he brings.  And Raven and I have been friends since Chet was in 6th grade and we began homeschooling.  Back in the dinosaur days of the internet when all I used was the computer to chat with other homeschooling families (there being not a single, non secular homeschool group in our region), I "met" Raven.  In one of those odd twists of fate he and his family lived not far from us and we used to buy eggs from he and his wife on our way to and from an Audubon sanctuary where we spend a lot of time.

Raven's daughter is long grown and Chet's homeschool years have passed,but the friendship remains.  It fascinates me how the warp and weft of our life threads evolve. But this is a long way of saying i went to church to see my friend!  And as usual, came away with so much more.  It was special to me also because my middle son has declared he is an athiest--which I remember doing around that age so I am not overly concerned--BUT what excited me was that he chose to come to service with me.  The little kids had all ready chosen to remain home so it would have been no big deal, but both Rob and Chet chose to come .On the way home we stopped at our community garden plot and harvested another 30 or so pounds of tomatos so we are now getting ready to can up some salsa.  I do love having food put by!  And it was so unexpectedly appropriate since our service focussed on Lammas and harvest time.  I have a rich and bountiful life in so many ways and I am so very grateful.

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