Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hear That?

Actually it should be "ear" that, as in KC has an inner ear infection.  Yesterday at breakfast he announced rather casually that his ear hurt.  K had just gently cleaned the outer part of his ear and she asked if it was somehow related to that.  Nope, he answered, still totally casual, it had been hurting since last night.  As my kids would say "Uh, what the?" 

The thing is, KC is my guy with a super sensitive nose and taste buds.  He loathes hates and despises the taste of every medication he has ever had in his life.  Until he made the acquaintance of the red tylenol meltaways he would rather have a fever or a blinding headache than take the med. and if they only have purple meltaways you are out of luck. He will lie there in agony instead of ingesting the stupid thing.  I have bribed.  I have pinned.  I have cajoled.  I have done the mean military momma (which I really rot at doing incidently). It only works when he decides it will work and it is.never.easy.  So it was no surprise that he was concealing the pain.  He would rather hope it goes away on its own.  And I suppose at some level, his avoidance of meds is reassuring to me.  His first mom did use substances (as did most of my kids first moms) and I worry that there will be a predisposition toward addictions. 

At any rate, we called our doctor, who was amazingly in.  Typically for  my family he is on vacation any time we need him.  LOL  He wanted to see KC as he feels it is not common to see ear infections in the summer.  I was fine with an office visit but I knew we were right as he had a cold a week or so ago and he also went swimming in a pool and likely got water in his ears then.  Sure enough, he has an ear infection and last night was the first dose of the 5 day liquid antibiotic.  1 down and 4 to go.  If you were at my house last night, you would know why I am counting!


Todd said...

Hope he heals quickly. Eldin had an ear infection after a swim a few weeks ago. He said nothing for a week :-( To heal it we just put a couple of drops of rubbing alcohol in his ear a couple of times a day for a few days and he was fine.

Mama Drama Times Two said...
