Saturday, August 13, 2011

Turning of the season's wheel

There has been a decidedly September feel to mornings the past few days this week. That crispness that gives way to summer warmth again by mid day.  And the light is different in the mornings in our work room where I write and read on the computer.  It is more golden and slants into the room so differently from just a week or so ago. 

I am never truly ready for this. I am a creature of summer and heat.  I even love humidity.  Flip flops, sandals, shorts and fresh veggies from the garden. Corn so fresh that it does not need butter or salt. Fresh tomato sandwiches.  Morning glories on our lattice.   But this year the growing season has been odd.  A few things have yet to come to fruitition.  I have yet to have a tomato sandwich from a home grown tomato plant.  and our "morning glorious" have yet to flower.  They have done lots of vining--but no blooming. Thankfully the whiskey barrels of nasturciums have provided tons of color and the zinnias we grew just outside the back door as well. 

I decided to take this as a sign that summer is far from over. Despite the back to school posters. Despite the loss of daylight. Despite hearing geese fly over head two nights running, summer is not yet done.  And the morning glories will bloom!

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